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Nicola McArthur Equisport Therapy
What does a session involve?
A session takes around an hour, although each horse dictates the pace they are happy with so sometimes a little longer.
The horse is assessed in the stable and any background information is gathered. Then if possible the horse is watched walk, trot up and turn, or if appropriate on the lunge.
The horse is firstly treated with a short red light session pre massage to promote relaxation, stimulate blood flow and encourage circulation and drainage.
*Ask me about the benefits of regular red light therapy*.
Then the main treatment is a full body session of sports massage using a variety of techniques, combining Swedish massage, trigger point therapy, accupressure, stretching and mobilisation.
Exercises can be prescribed (if appropriate) and some notes provided if required. Usually an immediate follow up is not necessary but maintenance sessions are recommended anywhere between 4 and 12 weekly depending on the horse.
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