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Nicola McArthur Equisport Therapy
What is Equine Sports Massage?
Equine sports massage is the therapeutic application of professional Swedish massage techniques, muscle energy techniques, and active and passive stretches to the horse. A thorough understanding of anatomy and the interaction of bones, joints and muscles are the basis of the proven physical and mental therapy that is the art of massage.
Equine sports massage works on nearly all the muscles and soft tissues, but also affects the skin and many other systems such as the nervous, skeletal, circulatory and lymphatic systems. All the techniques use a hands-on approach allowing the therapist to explore the muscles for areas of tightness, spasm or soreness. It is important for the therapist looks at the horse as a whole and attempt to consider all possible causes and effects of any tension while interpreting a horses reactions and expressions.
Equine Sports Massage means that it can be beneficial for any horse including: improving and maintaining suppleness in the sports horse and therefore improve performance and reduce risk of injury; treating conditions from back pain to stiffness; preparing your horse for competition; assisting recovery and relaxation after competition.
Some indications that there may be a problem:
Dislikes being groomed
Prefers one rein
Shows lateral stiffness
is reluctant to canter on one lead
Hollow backed
High headed
Head shaking
"Cold backed" when tacked up
Lack of poll flexion and bend
Head tilting
Has an uneven stride length
Holding the tail to one side
General tension and stress
Regular maintenance work can be carried out at the owners consent. However massage is no substitute for Veterinary care, and lame or injured horses must be referred to the vet before treatment can continue as part of the rehabilitation programme.
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